
FAMA is a registered trademark of FAMA Engineering SRL.
FAMA Engineering is a Consulting company working in Industrial and Motorsport fields providing sensors and turn key solution for any challenge coming from the field.

IR is a registered trademark of Infineon GmbH.

The partnership with Magnetica is the joint development of electromagnetic components aimed for power supply designed for our costumers

PRAEL Srl  is a Microchip Certified Design Partner. Microchip is well known on the electronics world, due to their huge electronic devices portfolio. Their products can cover most of the market needs so this partnership will allow us to get closer contact and be able to provide solutions for our customers.

Distretto Green & HiTech

PRAEL Srl is a member of the Distretto Green & HiTech Fundation , a network of companies (including major corporations and small and medium enterprises) residing in the Milan area interconnected to ease business development and technical cooperation.